Magnesium 24,3 a.m.u.) one of the most vital macronutrients in human body: activity of multiple ferments and metabolism processes related thereto are magnesium-dependant. Magnesium is mostly accumulated in bone and muscular tissues. Magnesium is mainly excreted by kidneys. Magnesium is intaken with food, water and sodium chloride. Vegetable food is especially rich of magnesium. Intake of magnesium salt even in high dosages doesn’t cause intoxication, but has evacuant effect. In cases of parenteral injection of magnesium sulphate, intoxication symptoms are possible: general suppression, fatigue, drowsiness. In cases of severe overdoses, intoxication risk is increased. Low concentration of magnesium in hair are reported in cases of small intake, malabsorption syndrome and in cases of chronic loss of magnesium. Decreased concentration of magnesium in hair is described for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Increased demand for magnesium is being reported on pregnancy, in growth and rehabilitation periods and in cases of chronic alcoholism.
Absorption of magnesium is being damaged in cases of excessive intake of calcium, phosphates, fat, alcohol, coffee, antibiotics, several cancer treatment agents and excessive intake of manganese, cobalt, plumb, sodium or cadmium.
Magnesium deficit is indicating with multiple clinical manifestations: hyposomnia, headaches, back pains and osteoporosis, arterial hypertonia and arrhythmia, hyperglycaemia, coprostasia, etc. Decreased concentration of magnesium in hair mainly comes with strength loss, fatigability, dizziness, muscular pain and overweight.
Low level of magnesium is peculiar to patients with disseminated sclerosis, vitiligo, pancreatic diabetes, various allergic diseases and rheumatic disorders. 50% of children suffering from bronchial asthma has decreased level of magnesium in hair.