Strontium (87,6 a.m.u.). Vital role of this element is still not established. But it is proven that strontium plays an essential role in secretion and strength of tooth enamel and osteogenesis. Use of strontium containing agents really decreases risk of fractures for aged and old women. This microelement is providing cytoprotective effect. Intaken with food, strontium is absorbed quite hardly.

Overdoses of strontium could cause changes of mineral metabolism in bone tissue. Kashin-Beck disease – endemic disease indicated by disorder of mineral balance, initially discovered near Urov river in Eastern Siberia.

Strontium is used in metal industry, production of TV equipment, accumulators and pyrotechnics. Radioactive 90Sr and 89Sr are hazardous side-products of nuclear reactions. Radiation-free strontium-88 is used to protect body from radioactive forms of strontium (competition mechanisms). Radioactive 89Sr is used in therapy of some cancer diseases. Concentration of strontium in hair indicates exposition to this element and correlates to its concentration in bones.