PHYTOMER is the global leader in thalassotherapy

The Medical Center of Aesthetic Cosmetology “Art of Beauty” offers programs for body care, based on the cosmetics PHYTOMER, which will help to recover your body by the means of thalassotherapy.

About the Brand

The PHYTOMER laboratory is one of the largest laboratories among all the cosmetology brands, with its own manufacturing capabilities in Brittany, France.

The 1st brand in the world which used sea extracts – marine plants – in modern cosmetology and SPA. The patented formulas are the rare and unique active complexes made of plants and seaweed.

PHYTOMER means ‘marine plants’ in translation. The company’s laboratory has been engaged in the development and research of the sea products since 1971. The discoveries made by the scientists allow to solve cosmetology problems with a high efficiency rate.

Like the whole life on the Earth, PHYTOMER originated from water, which is a source of energy, balance and good health. Using this knowledge, PHYTOMER invented the unique concept of beauty that is based on harmony between the man, nature, water, and sea.

An achievement of PHYTOMER is the ‘lyophilized’ Oligomer sea water containing 104 microelements and is part of practically each product.

Thalassotherapy: Phytomer programs

1. Phytomer Detox Massage Program / Detox

Has deep lymphatic drainage effect. Provides the activation of lipolysis processes, intensive removal of metabolic products. Stimulates metabolic processes. Provides deep skin clarifying, moistening, nourishing, prevents premature skin aging, and saturates the skin with essential microelements.

The care program includes:

  • Phytomer RELAXING SERUM / Relaxing Serum
  • Phytomer CONTOURING MARINE BODY MASK / ‘Detox – Weight Loss’ Wrapping

2. Program Phytomer Sculpt Zone / Figure Modeling

It combines two effects: lipolytic and anti-cellulite. For fight against local fatty deposits (in the area of stomach, thighs, buttocks).  Smooths skin relief, reduces volumes, add the skin smoothness and velvetiness.


Treatment sessions:

Express – 3 days.
Reduction of volumes in problem zones: – 28%
Intensive treatment – 2 weeks.

Reduction of cellulite:

  • on stomach – 20%
  • on buttocks – 24%
  • on thighs – 24%

Reduction of volumes:

  • thighs – 1 cm.
  • waist – 1.2 cm

The care program includes:

  • Phytomer RELAXING SERUM / Relaxing serum
  • Phytomer Toning body scrub with salt crystals / Smoothing body scrub with salt crystals.
  • Phytomer THERMO-SCULPTING BODY WRAP / Thermo – Sculptor
  • Phytomer CONTOURING CONCENTRATE / Concentrate for weight loss

Phytomer MORPHO DESIGNER Contouring Crystal Emulsion / Crystal emulsion forming body contour

Phytomer Massage Peeling Program / Massage Peeling

Provides skin clarifying from dead  horn scales, smooths the skin microrelief, gives the skin smoothness and silkiness. Promotes recovery of functions of the epidermal mantle and provides prolonged moistening.

The care program includes:

  • Phytomer RELAXING SERUM / Relaxing serum
  • Phytomer SPA PEELING MASSAGE / Massage peeling



60 min.
90.00 €
PHYTOMER body modelling (serum + peeling + PHYTOMER mask)
60 min.
90.00 €
Anti-cellulite massage + PHYTOMER body wrap (Thermo-Sculpting Body wrap)
110 min.
110.00 €

PHYTOMER body modelling

PHYTOMER body modelling (serum + peeling + mask) + Pressure therapy
100 min.
110.00 €

AppointmentThalassotherapy, care programs with Phytomer phytocosmetics (France)