Duplex scanning of vessels of the lower extremities
- Duplex scanning of vessels of the lower extremities is an ultrasound method for the diagnosis of diseases of the arterial and venous system of the lower extremities.
- Duplex scanning of the lower extremities will allow you to determine the cause of varicose veins and the presence of spider veins.
- Duplex scanning of vessels of the lower extremities is always prescribed before surgery for the treatment of varicose veins. It is necessary to determine the vascular patency, the speed and direction of blood flow in them.
Duplex scanning of blood vessels is conducted in two modes
- Normal B-mode (allows you to assess the state of blood vessels);
- Doppler mode (blood flow characteristics are determined).
In the process of duplex scanning, such parameters are evaluated as
- The anatomical structure of blood vessels (arteries and veins);
- Structural changes in the lumen and walls of blood vessels (narrowing, expansion, blockage, the presence of blood clots, atherosclerotic plaques);
- Vascular patency;
- Speed and direction of blood flow.
Based on the results of duplex scanning, you can
- Identify the beginnings of various vascular diseases;
- Determine the nature of venous valve damage, the degree of venous insufficiency;
- Monitor previously identified abnormalities or prescribed treatment.
Duplex scanning of the lower extremities is important in making such diagnoses as
- Varicose disease;
- Obliterating atherosclerosis and endarteritis;
- Deep vein thrombosis and other vascular diseases, even in the absence of obvious symptoms.
Symptoms that may cause duplex scanning of blood vessels
- Leg cramps at night;
- Emerging feeling of numbness;
- Visible dilated veins;
- Deformed veins;
- Trophic ulcers;
- Pain and discomfort during physical exertion on the legs;
- Swelling, etc.
Visible changes in the condition of veins are only part of the problem. Varicose veins can progress, leading to severe complications. One of them is thrombophlebitis. Blood clots carry a potential danger of separation and clogging of important vessels, which can cause death.
Indications for the examination
- Undergone surgeries and injuries;
- Varicose veins;
- Diagnosed with diabetes;
- Vascular spiders;
- Undergone surgeries on the lower extremities;
- Unstable gait;
- Swelling of the legs;
- Feeling of pain, heaviness, or tingling in the legs;
- Preparation for the operation;
- Occurrence of trophic ulcers;
- Increase in volume in one leg during visual inspection;
- Congenital anomaly of blood vessels;
- The first signs of varicose veins: a feeling of warmth or burning in the veins, cramps at night, dilated veins, darkening of the color of the skin of the legs.
- Violation of the integrity of the skin.
How the procedure is conducted
Checking blood vessels using this technology is conducted when a person is in an upright position. It is necessary to apply a special gel composition to the exposure area, which provides high conductivity of ultrasonic waves. Using a scanner, the doctor examines the lower extremities, firmly pressing the sensor to the skin. On the display at this time you can see the lumen of the vessel and the blood flow, which is transmitted as an audio signal.
This procedure can be conducted a large number of times, it is not harmful to the human body, post-rehabilitation is not required.
It does not irradiate the body, is completely safe for humans.
No pain during the procedure.
Preparation for the examination
- It is not recommended to conduct this study after intravenous administration of drugs (the scan will be uninformative);
- If it is necessary to take vascular antihypertensive drugs immediately before the study, it is necessary to inform the doctor conducting the duplex scan.
Cost of the procedure
Duplex scan of the lower extremities – 50.00 EUR