PRP – Plasma therapy using RegenLab® Technology in Orthopedics and Traumatology
RegenLab® PRP Therapy in orthopedics and traumatology is a modern effective method of treatment for joints, muscle-tendon complex and injuries by injecting patient’s plasma enriched with platelets for quick recovery of damaged tendons and ligaments, accelerating the process of cartilage repair in various kind of arthritis (traumatic or associated with degenerative processes) and the elimination of pain and inflammation in injuries.
RegenLab® PRP – Plasma therapy in orthopedics of traumatology can have a positive effect not only on any particular organ, since acts in combination and affects the entire body.
What is RegenLab® PRP – Plasma therapy in Orthopedics and Traumatology?
RegenLab® PRP Therapy is an injection procedure to locally stimulate the own tissue regeneration in order to accelerate the regenerative process in the damaged areas – both in acute and chronic conditions: in injuries, including soft tissue injuries, recovery and rehabilitation after fractures, in tendinitis – inflammatory disease of the tendons or degenerative age changes.
It is worth noting the efficacy in case of chronic, frequent injuries, overloads in athletes, with the so-called “tenezopatiya” – inflammation of the tendon attachment areas: “tennis player’s, golfer’s elbow”, “runner’s knee”, “swimmer’s shoulder.”
The method is completely safe, as the doctor uses the patient’s own blood plasma, enriched with platelets.
The essence of RegenLab® PRP – Plasma therapy
The number of platelets in the blood is small. However, it is they who allow tissues to quickly recover from cuts or other injuries, since they produce growth factors.
Injection of platelet-rich plasma to the affected area is an effective way to start tissue regeneration and cope with various diseases and pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and injuries. Injections promote the synthesis of own collagen (rejuvenate cells), enrich the blood with vitamins and nutrients, stop the process of tissue destruction.
Clinical effects of RegenLab® PRP – Plasma therapy
- Renews synovial fluid affecting the work of joints;
- Stops inflammatory processes of the cartilage tissue of joints;
- Improves nutrition of the articular cartilage and accelerates its recovery;
- Activates the blood circulation in the affected joint area;
- Increases the motor function of the musculoskeletal system;
- Reduces the period of rehabilitation after injuries, surgeries;
- Removes muscle spasms;
- Eliminates pain;
- In addition to the above, the patient easily and quickly recovers after the surgery or injury.
Result of PRP Plasma therapy
After RegenLab® PRP Therapy, the result can be felt in a few weeks, and long-term effects are observed in 6-12 months.
Immediately after treatment, inflammation may increase, stiffness and pain may be associated with activation of regeneration. However, further the patients note a decrease in pain and inflammation, an improvement in joint mobility, an improvement in the elasticity of the ligaments and an increase in the protective properties of cartilage tissue.
Indications for use of PRP Plasma therapy
- Damage to the cartilage tissue of the joint (arthrosis, arthritis, osteochondritis, chondromalacia);
- Damage to the ligaments, tendons and muscles (tendinitis, myositis);
- Damage of the spine (osteochondrosis, damage to the intervertebral disc);
- Damage (tear, partial tears, sprains) of ligaments, tendons, joint capsules and muscles;
- Disorders, diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system (from epicondylitis and shoulder-blade periarthritis to plantar fasciitis (“calcaneal spur”));
- Sports injuries, overtraining syndrome;
- For faster rehabilitation after surgery;
- In gonarthrosis (osteoarthritis of the knee joint) and various forms of arthritis and arthrosis in general.
When PRP – Plasma therapy does not help
This method will not have positive effects in case of:
- Stage 4 osteoarthritis;
- Aseptic necrosis;
- Total damage of the capsular ligament apparatus of joints;
- Oncological pathology of the musculoskeletal system.
Absolute contraindications of PRP – Plasma therapy
- Anemia;
- Diseases of the blood system with platelet dysfunction;
- Critical thrombocytopenia (platelet level less than 100 thousand/μl, hemoglobin level less than 100 g/l);
- Hemodynamic instability;
- Blood clotting disorders;
- Acute infectious diseases;
- Septicemia (sepsis);
- Inflammatory processes of various localizations;
- Skin infections in the injection area;
- Psoriasis in the acute stage;
- Oncology;
- Chronic liver disease;
- Autoimmune diseases;
- Acceptance of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
- Anticoagulant and antiplatelet therapy;
- SIRS – syndrome (systemic inflammatory response syndrome);
- Severe decompensated forms of diabetes;
Relative contraindications of PRP – Plasma therapy
- Chronic intoxication on the background of long-term active consumption of alcohol and drugs, medication;
- Intoxication after recent respiratory and intestinal infections;
- Use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs less than 2 days before the blood collection procedure;
- Injections of corticosteroid drugs less than 2 weeks before the procedure;
- Pregnancy and lactation.
PRP – Plasma therapyProcedure
The procedure takes no more than 30 minutes and is conducted in 3 stages:
- Stage 1 – blood collection in special RegenLab® tubes;
- Stage 2 – blood treatment according to a special program in the RegenLab® laboratory centrifuge;
- Stage 3 – injection of the obtained cell mass of platelets into the joint cavity or periarticular soft tissues.
Compatibility of the RegenLab® PRP Therapy technology with other procedures:
The combination of PRP with other drugs in one procedure is not provided, however, during the course of treatment it is possible to consistently use other drugs and methods, which will increase the efficacy of treatment.
Treatment course of PRP – Plasma therapy
The classic treatment option that is optimal for the treatment of inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the joints and post-traumatic conditions is
- A course of three procedures with an interval of 16-21 days between injections.
In the case of a chronic disease, it is optimal to have a maintain course:
- A course of 1-3 procedures after 6-12 months from the moment of the last procedure of the first treatment course.
The course of procedures is individualized.
Why PRP – Plasma therapy?
The “growth factors” contained in PRP provoke an intensive recovery of the affected tissue. One example is the fact that when a finger is cut, the body sends a huge amount of platelets to the injured area. Using PRP Therapy, we concentrate the platelets, and accordingly the “growth factors” that promote rapid recovery. The human body is armed with the most unique function of self-healing. And in combination with the drug, which contains concentrated platelets, the natural potential increases, which leads to rapid healing and restoration of the affected tissues.
However, it should be remembered that with all the safety of PRP – Plasma therapy, the absence of allergic reactions (because the patient’s own blood components are used) and side effects in the form of a negative effect on the liver, kidneys and other organs, the decision on the use of this method is taken only by the doctor – after attendance and examination of the patient, a detailed study of the medical history, taking into account all related factors, conducting, if necessary, a number of examinations.
And a little more about PRP -Plasma therapy:
This method allowed such famous athletes as Tiger Woods, Rafael Nadal and Kobe Bryant to return to the sports faster.
The procedure is being conducted by

Dr. Viacheslav Moisejenko
Dr. Viacheslav Moisejenko

- Certified Surgeon Coloproctologist
- Member of ESCP, ISUCR
- Certified Surgeon-Phlebologist
- Member of EVF
- Specialist in the field of Regenerative Medicine
Render consultation and treatment for patients with proctological problems:
Diagnostic and treatment of:
- Haemorrhoids
- Anal canal fissures
- Pararectal fistulas
- Perineal condillomas
- Anal canal polips etc.
Render consultation and treatment for patients with legs veins problems:
Diagnostic and treatment of:
- -Varicose veins
- -Spider veins
- Trophic ulcers of the legs
Render consultation in General Surgeries problems.
Render consultations and treatment for patients with erectil disfunctions problems, saturation problems e.t.c.
The procedure is being conducted by Dr. Viacheslav Moisejenko